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Museums, Do Tristan Johnson Museums, Do Tristan Johnson

The Design Museum

The Design Museum is not only one of the most strikingly beautiful modern buildings in London but, unsurprisingly, is amazingly designed when you get inside.

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Music, Do Tristan Johnson Music, Do Tristan Johnson

Sofar Sounds

If you are looking for more intimate gigs in central London, Sofar Sounds is the way to go as you will always get something new and exciting every time you go.

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Music, Do Tristan Johnson Music, Do Tristan Johnson

Sebright Arms

Live music in London is a thing of beauty with some of the world’s best musicians descending on intimate stunning venues for the best gigs you will come across anywhere globally.

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Film, Do Tristan Johnson Film, Do Tristan Johnson

Luna Cinema

One of the greatest joys of the arrival of spring is the knowledge that it’s nearly time for open air cinema again.

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Sport, Do Tristan Johnson Sport, Do Tristan Johnson

Clip ‘n Climb

The London 100 is on a continuous search for the best of the best in London, however that does mean we are constantly battling to keep our waistlines down as there are a LOT of amazingly indulgent places in this beautiful city. All of this means that we’re always on the lookout for great sporty ideas to keep us on the move, and boy does @clipnclimb_sw6 deliver.

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Music, Do Tristan Johnson Music, Do Tristan Johnson

Wilton’s Music Hall

Down a cobbled street straight out of a Sherlock Holmes novel you can find one of London's oldest music halls in a otherwordly little corner of Wapping.

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Sport, Do Tristan Johnson Sport, Do Tristan Johnson

Archery Fit

Who doesn't want to be a superhero? Having recently watched the fantastic Hawkeye series I decided it was time to learn some new life skills in case I ever need to fight the mafia or defeat my alien overlords. Welcome to @archeryfit. This amazing experience can be found in a huge space in Depftord.

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