Archery Fit

Who doesn't want to be a superhero? Having recently watched the fantastic Hawkeye series I decided it was time to learn some new life skills in case I ever need to fight the mafia or defeat my alien overlords. Welcome to @archeryfit. This amazing experience can be found in a huge space in Depftord. After filling out a bunch of paperwork signing over my life I was ready. They give you all the gear you need. Cool leather arm bracers. Funky little finger tabs. And my tools of destruction, my sweet sleek black arrows.
🎯 Onto the range! You will have a bow picked out for you and after some good introductory explanations you get to shooting. It is such an adrenaline rush. Now granted, no one is good when they first start. But wow if it doesn't get your blood flowing. After the initial foray we were given a few challenges. Hit the balloon on the board. Hit the board in the dark. Hit the board at double the distance. And by this point I was actually hitting the target! What a champion. What an adventure. Get yourself over for the taster session. Stay for the entire beginner course if it really tickles your tastebuds. I give this experience 5 arrows out of 5.




