Wildlife Photographer of the Year

Every year the Natural History Museum gives us one of the best exhibitions in London - the Wildlife Photographer of the Year. The WPY (for short) has been going strong since 1965 and continues to bring wonder to the crowds. It also makes me very deluded with my camera skills, really need to go on a photography course... Because these photos are In-Cre-Di-Ble. It honestly feels as if you are right there in the savana/ocean/jungle/mountains with the animals.
Now, having been going to WPY for years, I would say that they could do with modernising the event, maybe making it a little bit more immersive. As it stands you just wander around two cavernous dark exhibition halls looking at every immaculate image in turn reading the small blurb at each one. Next year spice it up a bit, change things around. But I'm really just nitpicking here. I love the NHM and I love this exhibition. Couldn't recommend it more.






